The Feast of Fools is a satirical variety-show, that places a large emphasis on eclectic self-made works of original theater, music, or performance art. The show features four to six acts which are tied together by a six-scene play revolving around a chosen theme.
Some examples of past themes have been:
The Feast of Fools features original work by artists who blend cultures, costumes, sexuality, and a sense of humor into their music, work and lives.
It features two main musical acts, five solo artists, and a satirical musical play that satirises sexuality, new age, and the experience of being a performing artist.
As a live musical event, we are heavily inspired by television programs like The Simpsons, H.R. Puffnstuff, The Bugaloos, The Lawrence Welk Show, The Sonny & Cher Show, and Sabado Gigante.
We have shared the stage with world class contortionists, stilt walking drag queens, hillbilly jugglers, German puppeteers, feminist belly dancers, and fire-eating drag-princesses.
The Feast of Fools’ unique blend of cultures, combined with a hilarious journey of self-discovery, makes this one of the most priceless theatrical events anywhere.